CLICKVIEW 9i Voice Activated Thyroid Surveillance
Complete ACR TI-RADS recommended structured reports in less than 2 minutes by experienced users.
The 9i Innovative Voice Activated User Interface is a Game Changer.

CLICKVIEW 9i voice-activated structured reporting for thyroid surveillance provides an industrial-grade solution for radiology structured reporting that increases daily radiology output and emphasizes patient care for the growing needs of radiology departments from private practices to enterprise-level healthcare systems.
Highly automated and efficient, ClickView 9i is today’s state-of-the-art mechanism for thyroid surveillance that places completed reports back into the hands of referring physicians in a fraction of the time as standard reporting tools.
Fast, Easy, and Accurate Thyroid Surveillance: ClickView 9i
With ClickView 9i’s radiology structured reporting technology, thyroid reports can be compared and completed in the ACR TI-RADS recommended format in less than two minutes by experienced users. It eliminates the time-consuming tasks of manually reviewing serial prior ultrasound thyroid images and measurements with current examination findings, and TI-RADS classification reporting.
Thyroid Nodules and Cancer: By the Numbers
- Thyroid nodules are detectable by ultrasound in approximately 68% of the general population
- 90%-95% of detected thyroid nodules are benign
- 5% of patients with thyroid nodules will develop thyroid cancer
- The five-year survival rate for a patient with thyroid cancer is 90% – 95%
- For patients with thyroid nodule cancer, 1.5 % die as a result of the cancer (primary cause of death), with cardiovascular disease being the primary cause of death for 44%
- Other co-morbidities, including other cancers, account for the balance of deaths in patients with thyroid cancer
ClickView 9i: Thyroid Structured Reporting to Meet Modern Needs
Physical thyroid examinations routinely include manual palpation, whether part of a patient’s annual physical or during evaluation of non-thyroid related symptoms. Then, standard practice dictates that physicians refer patients with a suspicious nodule for an ultrasound examination.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends against screening for thyroid cancer with neck palpation or ultrasonography due to overdiagnosis and overtreatment without improved patient outcomes. In South Korea, a widespread cancer screening program increased the thyroid cancer diagnosis rate 15-fold but did not change the mortality rate.
The fact is, today’s higher-resolution scanners can find increasingly smaller nodules; however, the risk of cancer in nodules smaller than 2 cm is markedly lower than the risk for cancer in nodules >2cm.
The result? Overwhelmed radiology departments experiencing a massive demand for thyroid ultrasonography, which requires meticulous comparison with prior examinations and manual classification in accordance with the ACR TI-RADS protocol.
ClickView 9i Voice-Activated Structured Reporting: Added Value Through Efficiency
ClickView 9i’s highly efficient, fully automated, and completely voice-activated radiology structured reporting, including instantaneous history comparisons, increases radiology department output while improving accuracy and patient care. The ability of ClickView 9i to meet the demands of any size radiology department, including enterprise-level health systems, relies on ClickView 9i’s:
- Natural language report dictation, powered by Dolbey Fusion Narrate®
- Elimination of keyboard selection or mouse clicks
- Smart Engine™ navigation for logical sequencing and report preparation
- Faster, highly intuitive voice-only workflow
- Rapid report generation
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